Friday, January 22, 2010

We are halfway through January already! Time flies when you are having fun. The first two weeks in January our theme was Snow/Winter. Here are some of the things we did.

We brought snow inside and played with it!
We read The Mitten and made our own mitten. We read Snowman at Night and asked the children "What does your snowman do at night?" Sophie's snowman plays with toys, Katie's snowman goes sledding and plays in the snow, and Lexus's snowman goes skating and does floppy jumps! We read Polar Bear, Polar Bear and painted and glittered our own snowflakes.

We also played with winter stamps, made footprint snowmen and played "Freeze!"

Sophie likes making Jack laugh!

Thaddeus is happy to share toys with Landon!

The garbage truck is super exciting!

The boys and I hanging out while the older kids nap!

We also practiced being good mommies and daddies by taking care of our baby dolls.

Look at how much talent we have at daycare! Kaylyn has been blessing us with sweet songs!

And Katie is our beautiful ballerina!

Piano trios always make for interesting compositions!

When we play with blocks, we are learning concepts of shapes, size, length, and location, all relative to learning to read and do math, to create and repeat patterns, to solve problems, and to cooperate with others!

When we play dress up we are learning to express ourselves in sentences, to solve problems, especially socially, through negotiation, to make decisions, to exercise imagination and creativity.

Kaylyn is "putting Katie to bed."
Sophie is "working on her computer."

Sweet baby faces!