Wednesday, February 24, 2010

V is for Valentines Day!

This picture is funny because the camera wasn't working right and those faces are saying "What is taking so long?"

Look at these beautiful doctors!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Six more weeks of winter!! On Groundhogs day we played a fun game. We danced to the music and when the music stopped we stopped on a black dot. We turned the dot over and then did the instructions on the other side. Here is Katie digging her burrow.

We also learned about the letter A.

A is for Ava.

Our favorite show is the Freshbeats! We love to dance away to their catchy songs.

Cute baby boys!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

We had a fun colorful week, spotting colors everywhere. Here is the song we sang on color week:

Tune: Do you know the muffin man?

Can you find the color green, the color green, the color green?
Can you find the color green, somewhere in this room?

We also painted beautiful rainbows and read the book Ducky's Rainbow.

The girls played Find the Mouse.

Landon was clapping his hands and dancing to the music!

Ring around the Rosie is one of our favorite games.

Wow! Ian sure can build!

Last week, we read some fairytales and did some fun activities. We read The Three Billy Goats Gruff and made mountains for our goats to climb, made puppets, and trip trapped over our bridge.

We walked around the bridge, hopped on the bridge, walked backwards on the bridge, all the while singing "I'm the grumpy old troll, who lives under the bridge." (from Dora).
We also played a game where we compared the length of "grass." They had to pretend to be goats and pick up blades of grass and sort them into the corresponding containers.

We also had a lot of fun scarf dancing.

We read Thumblelina and made these cute puppets.

We read The Three Little Pigs and made these cute noses.