Saturday, April 16, 2011

When the scholastic book orders come, we all have to look and see what new books look good.

We are loving the beautiful spring weather.

We have a new sensory box! Flower arranging is so much fun!

We love taking care of babies!

Pictures from March

Emily has been making special snacks for the kids. This one is a mouth with teeth. (Apple slices, peanut butter, and marshmallows.)

And this one is a school of fish.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Ring around the rosies!

How to make chicken
by: Lennon

Put chicken in microwave.

Take back out and put in pan.

Take it to a friend.



Four little monkeys swinging in the tree

teasing Mr. Aligator, can't catch me!

Along came Mr. Aligator quiet as can be

and snatched a monkey

right out of that tree!